It is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that comes from willow bark. Its main action is to cleanse and exfoliate. It softens keratin by removing dead cells and producing cell renewal. As a keratolytic, it is effective at concentrations greater than 2%.
Main anti-dandruff active ingredient. It inhibits the proliferation and growth of Pityrosporum Ovale, a fungus present in pathogenic fungal flora that causes abnormal and chronic desquamation of the scalp. Bacterial and fungicidal action. It normalizes excessive peeling of the scalp and effectively relieves itching.
Natural oil extracted from sulfuric slates with multiple functions: it inhibits the growth of microorganisms, reduces inflammation, reduces congestion, and regulates oil and seborrhea
The leaves are used to extract the oil rich in Tuyona, which contains terpenic derivatives (pineol, cineol, borneol and camphor) that provide astringent, antiseptic and healing properties.